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Dr. Wayne C. Sedlak

The Hireling?

Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. – John 10: 7-13


A “hireling” [Greek: μισθωτός (misthōtós)] is simply an employee, one who goes from job to job for money without respect to other acts of dedication beyond personal reward. Our Lord used the figure of an “hireling” to describe pastors among His people of that day who were men in ministry characterized by the following attributes:


  1. They are NOT good shepherds, though they hold the office of “pastor.” That is not to say they are not nice men. Usually, they are. But their presence bars the door against any attempt to oppose malevolent evil-doers, i.e., they do little if anything to expose, denounce, or otherwise stop evil. This is EXACTLY what they did in Germany under Hitler as the trains rolled by their churches on a Sunday, taking the boxcars of Jews to Auschwitz.[1] As trains rolled on by the churches with their “cargo” of helpless victims, the pastor, aka “hireling,” suddenly stood up and announced a hymn, complete with loud organ or piano music. Often, this “Praise to God” was announced inordinately …in other words, out of order in the worship and abruptly “imposed.” The reason was known by all, but rarely admitted. The singing was designed to “drown out the cries of the victims in the boxcars.”
  1. They are mere employees. Nothing wrong with being an employee, normally… unless such a person is called to an office demanding something greater than “financial remuneration” … like men in the Christian ministry, for example. In the history of the Church of Jesus Christ, MANY men in ministry have worked for little or nothing, expending themselves and, often, giving their lives out of love for their people and Christ.
  1. The hireling sees the wolf and flees. In our society and Christ’s first century people, this meant that, though they see the evil, they LEAD the people in the pews AWAY from any thought of potential peril. Tragically, to be believable, they “Bless” such evil, calling “Evil, good, and good, evil.” In 17th century England, the churches were confronted with State edicts demanding State directives in all matters be obeyed. Any “nonconformist” ministers (those who refused to allow the State to dictate terms to the church) were cast out of their churches. Many were awled in the tongue for preaching against the State mandates. People lost ears (yes, sliced off) for listening to preaching of any nonconformist minister. Some had their noses slit open, making for repeated, ugly infections to fester on their faces for years to come. In contrast, the Hireling will never oppose State edicts… wolves (cf. Eph. 6: 12; Psa. 94:20). The task of a minister of God is NOT ONLY to lead the sheep “beside quiet waters”… His calling includes “tearing the sheepskins off wolves.” Those that refuse to undertake such a defense of the sheep out of love for Jesus Christ are hirelings.
  1. Our Lord metaphorically associated the results of their “public pleasantries” with “thieves and robbers.” Why would Christ make such a character appraisal? In truth, such men then and now, were/are almost always nice men without even the taint of criminal background. Additionally, the Old Testament called false religious leaders “robbers” and “thieves.” Christ repeatedly made it clear: a man of God faces off against wolves, else, the sheep are in jeopardy. Such men “rob” their people of needed truths that warn and protect the sheep against evildoers. Our Lord put it this way:

 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. – Luke 6:26 

The point is, you will NEVER hear these men identifying “wolves” MUCH LESS the tactical methods used to deceive the sheep. This is where “Love” gets “weaponized” as a means of muzzling those few who attempt to expose and oppose the wolves. 

  1. Due to the heavy emphasis upon “love” and other pleasantries, the dithering of pastors who emphasize other than God’s Word and its Law…coupled with the opposition of those same hirelings, allows the wolves to actually seize upon the sheep of Christ’s flock. That occultist Queen of France, Catherine d’Medici (the very same persecutor who patronized the rabid occultist, Nostradamus) faced what she, behind their backs, called her opposition: “gentleman elders” (ministers). She wooed and patronized them, lavishly providing gifts and other emoluments. They went back to their congregations and assured them she meant well to all her subjects. They taught of God’s people their belief in her loving and caring intent to unite all in a bond of freedom and friendship.

 Having successfully lowered their guard (through their pastors and leaders), she struck down tens of thousands of Christian people all throughout the country in one of the greatest massacres in history! All… because of the treason of “nice guys” in the ministry (as well as leadership positions of lesser civil magistrates).

It is this author’s long held belief that the stakes are much higher today in America: deadly vaccines and crippling diseases admitted by the FDA (See the next VISIONVIEWPOINT, you will NOT believe it), Chinese influence and money flowing into Fauci and many Governor’s pockets for masking and mandating economic damage, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION’s leader Tedros (Chinese agent) and his genocidal record. Falsified elections. The list is deadly and exists because of a deadly agenda to humble this nation and its churches! This author has held for decades that there is genocide in store for Americans, planned long ago by the Deep State. VERY FEW pastors care to even look at the utterly overwhelming evidence! See to it your pastor knows (have him call me!)

PLEASE NOTE: Make copies of the following Resolution and present it to your Wisconsin pastor to sign. Give it to friends and family to do the same. If the pastor balks, take notes on what he says and call us. We all need to confront the pastors and shame them, if necessary, to do what Christ charges them to do: Warn and defend the sheep! If he wants to sign it, call us and we will put him on the bottom of the Resolution (we must verify with him, however). Our number is: 262-597-2030. If he does NOT want to sign it, call and talk to us. IF you live outside Wisconsin, contact those you know in Wisconsin to do this and start a Resolution in your State now. Call us and we will help you to get started.

Contact us at: 262-597-2030 Leave your name and number, email (We will not spam you. Only what is needed to get in touch with you will constitute our reply.). If the pastor does sign, give us his phone and email contact information please to verify his desire! Whatever you do, don’t let social niceties cloud your resolve. ACT now!

CLICK HERE for a Downloadable PDF of the Pastor’s Resolution written here below.

Resolution of Wisconsin Ministers

Denouncing the Unconstitutional Decrees of Governor Evers.

Whereas, God is the sole Creator of the earth, and man, being created directly in His image, is the apex of His creation; and

Whereas, God is the ultimate and highest authority, and His laws are the highest laws; and

Whereas, masks cover the image of God by obscuring personal identity, and violate the holy law of God by restraining the healthy in place of the symptomatic sick; and

Whereas, God has created man to bear His image, while he labors for six days in seven and then joins in worship and rest on one; and

Whereas, the Constitution of the state of Wisconsin and the Constitution of the United States recognize the right of the people to assemble peaceably shall never be abridged; and

Whereas, every ruler, including the Governor, must be bound to keep his oath of office to uphold the Constitution of Wisconsin and the Constitution of the United States; and

Whereas, the Governor has no constitutional authority to create laws as that is the duty of the legislature; and

Whereas, churchmen are commissioned to preach the whole counsel of God’s Word and to be a conscience to a world that is often ruled by tyrants.

Now therefore, we, ministers of the gospel, in our God-ordained office, do DECLARE and DIRECT the following:

That Governor Tony Evers retracts his unconstitutional and oppressive mandates that require the citizens of Wisconsin to cover the image of God by covering their faces with a mask, and the mandates that abridge the citizens of Wisconsin from exercising their God given right to freely labor and peaceably assemble.

That the Wisconsin Legislature reconvenes with the express purpose to fulfill their legislative duty by ending the unlawful Emergency Declaration and fulfill their oath before God to uphold the Wisconsin Constitution and statutes and check the tyrannical decrees that have been declared by the executive branch.

Further, we resolve and direct our fellow churchmen to ignore and interpose against the unauthoritative mandates of Governor Evers by instructing from Scripture the limits of civil government and by teaching that disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God.

Thus, may our Heavenly Father rule and His laws be obeyed,

Pastor: Name

[1] This author knows two individuals who were children in congregations in Germany who witnessed what is written herein.

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