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The New American Magazine interviewed Pastor Wayne Sedlak at the Open Wisconsin Now rally in Madison Wisconsin Saturday the 24th of April.  IN THE VIDEO AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE hear Dr. Sedlak, of Reformation Hope Church of Brookfield, WI, speaking.

Wayne is interviewed by Christian Gomez the New American Contributor


Pastor Sedlak says, “The Civil Magistrate in our country is Oathbound.  The Reverend Thomas Hooker gave a sermon in 1638 on Deuteronomy 1 where he gave to Colonial America and particularly the colony of Connecticut, the principles by which they framed their civil government. It was one of the most influential sermons in the Colonial era. In it Hooker preached that the oath binds the civil magistrate to protect the people under his authority which is a constitutional issue. To Defy his own oath is a criminal act (as Governor Evers has done), having been sworn into Office for the purpose of defending the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin and the Constitution of the United States.

In Acts 23, the Apostle Paul was before the political and religious ruler of the Jews, Ananias the High Priest, who ordered Paul to be slapped.  Here is the text from Acts. “Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.” (The word ‘wist’ is Old King James usage for  I “knew” not) that he was the high priest, because he was acting unjustly and should be driven out of office for willful corruption of office, and defiance of his oath to conduct court justly, giving due process its place in determining Paul’s innocence or guilt.


These civil magistrates, every one of them, down to the police, EACH take the Oath. In our system of government, each is responsible to uphold their oath, so when their superior defies the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin, or the Constitution of the United States, then the Lesser Magistrate is the one by OATH that must stand against him. That is Oathbound thinking. That is what protects us. That is how you can defend a constitutional frame of government from corruption of office.

Christian Gomez asked the question… “so the police should not be enforcing any kind of order from the governor that prohibits churches from meeting then correct?”



Pastor Sedlak answered “Let me turn that around then, on the question. Should the police enforce a criminal act? Tony Evers got this power, “his badge,” his office, by swearing to the Constitution, both Constitutions, United States and Wisconsin.  If he violates that and acts unilaterally it is the DUTY of EVERY SINGLE OFFICER UNDERNEATH HIM to stand against him. That’s what protects us and we need them doing that now. They think that because he gave an order that they are all underneath him and have to obey him? That is NOT the way Constitutionalism works. It didn’t work for William Calley in the My Lai Massacre of Vietnam, when his superior (he claimed) ordered him to kill 22 unarmed Vietnamese, and it doesn’t work here either. He  justly faced court martial for defying his oath as an officer and committing wanton acts of murder. The Lesser Magistrate is responsible by oath.

We as Christians have to understand that the oath as Jesus taught us in Matthew 5, doesn’t increase the truth value of a fact. It doesn’t make it more truthful (or less), but the oath increases the sanctions of the one that breaks it. So, we have a civil magistrate who breaks his oath and the sanctions against him, the higher up in office, the greater the sanction, not a greater truth value. That is what Jesus was condemning in Matthew 5 and upholding the Law of the Lord in the Old Testament. We have to do the same in our pulpits.


When a man swears by ordination, like me, I am sworn to uphold the Law of the Lord and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By that oath of ordination and installation it is my duty to uphold Jesus Christ as King of the Universe. I cannot obey man and defy God. Our Country was built on that foundation, we have to keep it. Oaths are regularly broken by those in authority. Well, let’s keep and hold this governor responsible and keep him to his oath. He got his “badge of office,” so did every police officer, by swearing to the Constitution. They can’t change midstream now.

A Word to Pastors and Christian here and in other states who watching where the same thing is happening and are looking for some hope and guidance at this time.

The Word I keep hearing is love. Christ defined love by the Law of the Lord. Loving your neighbor Loving your God. To shut down, what is it 1% unemployment translates into 58 thousand suicides? I think that’s the stati, way beyond Covid. So, who is getting loved here?


If that statistic is true, then as pastors who teach that we have to be obedient, Romans 13, of course you have to read the whole context, because verse 3 of Romans says, for the punishment of evildoers and to the praise of those that do well, and Paul is quoting the Old Testament, the concepts there, the point is, love means your neighbor, all of them. Love is not an excuse to put aside duty and responsibility, much less our King’s Holy Word, Jesus Christ.

The Wisconsin Constitution says at 323.10, that it takes the Lesser Magistrates of two houses of our state legislature, by joint resolution to stop this immediately and order the governor to step aside and open up the State of Wisconsin. (If the governor defies that joint resolution, now he up against the prestige and power of other civil authorities, making it difficult for him to stand.)


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