The Protest in Wisconsin… April 24, 2020
This Governor of Wisconsin will never receive accolades for being sympathetic to the misery and suffering of the people of the State over which he presides as governor. The Protest of April 24, 2020 attracted thousands to the Capitol building in Madison. People came from all over the State to join in protest against the Governor’s “plague policy.”
Though the Capitol newspapers reported “1500” people at the Protest. That would be credible IF the reporting had taken into account the traffic into the Capitol. Many just couldn’t stay long … but wanted to express themselves. What didn’t get reported were the lines of stalled traffic, full of people and signs of their support in their windows, stretching back miles. One person spent four hours waiting in her car.
- Governor “Bobblehead” is unsympathetic to the misery inflicted upon his fellow Wisconsinites.
Many common folks lined up to speak in front of the crowds. What they wanted to do was simply let the government of the State of Wisconsin know the damage done to their farms, small businesses, livestock, and livelihoods. One woman testified of a family business many generations old… in jeopardy of closing. After all, she explained, even though business was forced to close down, feeding the many horses – the backbone of the generations-old family business – still had to be accomplished daily. This great expense may finally bring about the end of the business no matter what is done now to end the illegal lock down.
Thousands of dollars to incomes, families, businesses, farms, savings, and livestock have been damaged by the tyranny of Governor Tony Bobblehead. Everyone there interviewed by this author-turned-reporter, expressed disgust and anger against the now-agreed-upon illegal acts of the tyrant, Gov. Tony Evers.
By his ridiculously contradictory and tragic edicts, he damaged Wisconsin – for many thousands of Wisconsinites, most probably irreversibly. However, this tragedy is accentuated by the unbelievable attitude of the utterly callous Governor. One would think a Governor entrenched in his position and concerns, would at least feel sympathetic to the misery of the people throughout the State, as expressed by thousands within just yards of his office. Instead, he publicly tweets about playing with Bobbleheads during the protest.
How can a Governor care so little about the plight of others, e MOvieSubtitlesven though he disagrees with them?
- “Interposition of the Lesser Magistrate…” The Doctrine we need to learn now.
During the Protest, the point was made that there is no need for the Legislature to turn to the Judiciary to sue for an end of the Lock down. Wisconsin State Constitution at 323.10 states that the economic carnage created by the Lock down is for the two houses of the State Legislature (not Federal), in a joint Resolution of both houses, order the Governor to stop playing with his bobbleheads and bring an end to the Lock down. The doctrine is called “Interposition of the Lesser Magistrates.” (See “Interposition: The Revolt of the Lesser Magistrate!” and the now internationally famous “The Black Regiment” (originally presented in its present form, 1992, creating the interest in the subject “Black Regiment” and “Black Robed Regiment”).
I spoke my shortest sermon at that rally. The short clip is here. It emphasizes the fact that 323.1 tells us that a Joint Resolution of Both Houses of the Legislature can stop this shut down. We do have a Constitution Governor! We Will Email Call Write and remember 323.10! It is in the Wisconsin State Constitution. They don’t have to go the Wisconsin Supreme Court!