1993 UN Flag Burning Ceremony
“When our forefathers took their stand, prior to that stand, was the call of the Black Regiment, which refereed by the British, was the men in black robes, the pastors who mounted the pulpits to decry unrighteousness in the land. Our forefathers were most frightened over a passage which later their governors and their presidents would very often place their hand upon in the open Bible as they took their oath of office. Does anybody know that passage of Scripture?
It was Deuteronomy Chapter 28 where we read the blessings and sanctions of God’s Law are spelled out for a culture. If a land of a people are obedient then God will pour out those blessings, and when a land is disobedient and the people turn their back on those Ten Commandments, His holy law, then he will bring about those sanctions in the Chapter in Deuteronomy.
Our forefathers were led to fear because you see, toward the end of that chapter, when God’s wrath is upon a nation, the final sign, unless they repent, is that He will place in rule over them, foreign dignitaries, whose tongue they know not, the sign of that wrath are those foreign dignitaries who begin to rule because God’s Law was strange to His people. His Law is no longer of any convicting effect in their minds and in their hearts. He would bring a different language.a; strange speech to rule over them.
As we oppose and resist the United Nations, we must remember they have now begun to rule over us. God, in placing them in rule as an act of judgment, calls us to repent first, that we might be rid of their rule and of their chastisements.
It is time for the church of Christ to love righteousness and hate iniquity and to be ruled by God’s loving and life giving precepts, that we might be a people that fear the lord and worship him and honor his statues and his commandments which the Apostle Paul tells us were designed for life. And then we will not have such sanctions, as the United Nations unfortunately represents, because God’s Law was a strange speech to our people. He has given us foreign rule underneath this ungodly chastisement called the United Nations. It is for God’s people in this late hour to call a people to repentance.
I believe specialist Michael New is doing that as an act of righteous heroism . But what is the basis of that heroism. Why does one do his duty as it not because he loves much and therefore he stands for his neighbor on behalf of his God?
We are underneath, more and more, this ungodly government of the United Nations. I understand that today our president is sending 20 thousand troops into Bosnia. (boos erupted from the crowd). That represents real rule as they go in, just like they did in Vietnam, under the United Nations’ authority. And we should honor of course, the soldiers, remembering them in their hour of trial, as we do and honor those who fought in Vietnam, but lets not forget what Vietnam was. It was a United Nations mismanaged war. And as a result there was strife through out our country.
We honor the men that wen there and served but we dishonor the management that sent them there, the United Nations. Are we going to repeat the same issue yet again?
I would like to ask the veterans to come forward before we give our pledge of allegiance to the flag. Those veterans that are pleased to take their stand and burn this United Nations idolatry…”
The Pledge was recited followed by the Burning of the United Nations Flag
Pastor Sedlak led the crown in Imprecatory Prayer… Asking that God would do to the United Nations what has been symbolized here before us.
Our Lord and our God we would ask that of thy divine pleasure, Thou wouldst be pleased to glorify Thy Son, the Righteous King of kings, whose law must be obeyed if life is to be protected and kept. We remember this enemy of Thy throne, The United Nations, we pray that Thou wouldst bring that enemy to judgment. Cast it down, our Lord and our God which seeks to enslave a people. we would pray all that it represents would be brought to infamy and cursing in the eyes of a people. We pray this nation would repent of its very presence on our soil. That we would take back our boys in green and not hand them over to be boys in blue. Men that would go forth under the mismanagement of the United Nations. We ask O Lord and our God for judgment upon that ungodly global government. We pray you would lead thy church to call the nation to repentance. That again righteousness would be ours in a free country. We ask this blessing, praying O Lord and our God again, that you would drive away and bring to confusion, this enemy of righteousness the United Nations. We ask this Father, praying that the glory of Thy Son be revealed. For it is in Jesus name we pray. Amen