Background: During this Covid-19 outbreak I was “threatened” by a Marxist Medical worker. How do I know she was a Marxist? Being an Internet deep Net Researcher (professionally, including 18 years as such in the health world), it wasn’t difficult to trace her activities worldwide, including inside Marxist nations with which she was in agreement…and for whom she brought aid and revolutionary activity to the lands she visited. Her rhetoric was definitely Marxist as she self-consciously attacked me in private correspondence for my public teaching to call for opening the state, in rallies throughout Wisconsin. In other words, she is a politically motivated health worker. Welcome to the world of Politicized Medicine.
The reply below came in answer to her (false) presumption that, as a pastor, I shouldn’t be involved in society (tragically, an assumption easily made by many people in our society). It was apparent she was taken aback by this answer below… as her response was only a typical abusive one-liner, an added threat, and a quick departure from the verbal confrontation.
This answer, however, was motivated by the NEED to provide us all with answers to the Covid-19 alleged pandemic threat…Below, I use northeast Africa (where I have been doing missionary work) as an example of forewarning and exposé. The region is reeling in apocalyptic upheaval now. Massive floods, Mega-locust plagues, double/triple digit inflation due to government expenditures (checks in the mail to everyone), almost 100% business ruin, utter dependency upon government (the new slavery), farm failure, starvation, civil strife with nations on the brink of civil war…
Black lives DO matter… because ALL lives matter biblically
Over the past 31 years, I have been involved in helping the poor both in this country and in Africa. That has intensified as a pastoral-missionary concern over the past six years. I can truthfully say that, were I not living with my family in my own beloved America, I would be living among the people I know and love in Africa.
I don’t need to be lectured, much less propagandized, about vaccinations. I know personally the suffering and deaths of forced vaccinations and the great danger of comparatively untested vaccines. Of course, the news is rife with thousands of vaccination tragedies. India alone booted Gates and his people for killing tens of thousands of people in India, while crippling another 400,000 with their vaccines. Italy booted Gates and his politicized “humanitarians” for now.
I said “I don’t need to be told these things” – but apparently some others do need to be reminded of such atrocities. The reason I don’t need to be “told” is that such will undoubtedly be construed as “hearsay.” You know…the “I said-he said-we said-you-said” types of answers.
All my life I have been involved directly helping the poor, especially on the two continents cited, including several major cities in our country alone. So, I don’t need someone telling me how concerned they are about their “neighbor” … and mine, while at the same time telling me to “butt out.”
I’ve held, in my own arms, a weeping woman in Africa, crippled by bullets from civil strife in Africa that directly resulted from Draconian measures taken by the government, leaving millions in poverty and desperation. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve taught consistently for 45 years that “Government is a gift of God.” But not everybody IN government is a gift of God.
Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, those who frame perversity by a law? – Psalm 94: 20
Just a few years ago, I lost a friend who was murdered by a government in north-eastern Africa, while helping the poor in that country. He was a fellow professor of mine, as we both give our services freely teaching indigenous folks who do not have a chance at education…AND… we both have had over four decades of pastoral-missionary-charitable work experience on two continents (actually, for him, it was five continents).
Having 45 years of experience in dealing with ministry and charitable concerns, I have seen and experienced with my own eyes too many tragedies involving experts who don’t seem to “stick around” AFTER any damage is done.
So why am I, as a researcher and minister, involved in this particular issue (forced vaccinations and lock down)?
Here’s why …
By direct testimony in Africa, among the indigenous peoples whom I love and serve, vaccines have created tragedy heaped upon tragedy. The people trusted the vaccine–purveying “health experts” and, for thousands of our poor folks, committed the mistake of their lives.
In Africa, families depend upon the love, relationships, and help of their extended families. Having children is a necessity for the vast majority of Africans. Thousands of indigenous people whom I call “my brethren” have been damaged by vaccines that created infertility in young women …and tragically damaged health in many others.
I’m not simply talking about special case reactions. We know that medical science is not an exact science. But we cannot have medical experts on the one hand, telling us (when tragedy threatens) “medical science is not an exact science” (I know and sympathize with the point, having a whole family of medical and social care professionals living in several states who really DO care)…. But on the other hand, we are told, “medical science must be trusted implicitly and held in almost godlike awe.”
No thank you. Been there, done that…AND… You cannot have it both ways!
Accountability to handle the problem…
1) Here’s a suggestion. For those that want to coerce their way into the arms of others with their needles… accept this challenge: instead of hiding behind legal protections that don’t hold experts accountable for the damage done to others when they coerce it and “get it wrong”… protecting themselves with insurance provisions which exempt them from their own fallout… BE ACCOUNTABLE. I don’t simply mean “accountable” in theory, with expressions of “love” and “concern.” In addition to bringing a halt to the coercion of vaccinations, PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS. Offer to help someone you’ve already damaged, by emptying your savings, wallet and purse, including those harmed in other ways (per point number 2 – below).
2) It is my understanding the national rate of suicide increases to 20,000 with the unexpected and sudden rise of each 1% of unemployment (nationally) per year. The reason “unexpected” unemployment is such a disaster should be obvious: people panic when they can’t provide for their families. The average American has less than one month of “savings” in reserve. Too many health experts and government leaders tend not “feel their pain” or sympathize because they live off the government and have incomes that provide for their homes and families.
Our own Governor, tweeted publicly about his Bobblehead affinities during the rallies where his people were desperately begging him that they were being ruined in tens of thousands of businesses statewide. No care or concern, just mocking by this thoughtless “Bobblehead” governor. (We ordered a BobbleHead in his honor.)
The staggering statistics are approaching 22% of the population nationally. I’ve done my own personal survey. Had the opportunity to personally hear of the sorrows of just over 100 small business owners – most of them good stewards of small family businesses that have ALREADY FAILED. NO recovery possible.
Politicians and Health care professionals make poor economists
The tragic truth is… the vast majority of healthcare professionals make lousy economists. THAT I have seen “up front and close.” They are cursed with “tunnel vision.” Not only do they see ONLY disease possibilities, but, as the expression goes, to a man with a hammer EVERYTHING looks like a nail.
With a strong background and training in economics/business, I can understand the fear. However, I get to grieve alongside of the many who lose their businesses, their homes… who see their children frightened by what amounts to being MUCH MORE than “…mere uncertainty about the future.”
Worse yet, those who lose their homes, jobs, and businesses are often criticized for emphasizing “money.” They say, “Please don’t talk to me about money when lives are at stake from deadly disease.” Such is a preferential excuse for ignoring the plight of those who are ruined… or… are facing such ruin very soon… and that sad statistic is numbered in the millions of persons, now.
This is hypocritically pressed by health experts all too often (remember not all), as if the health experts themselves don’t cash their paychecks (invariably drawn on government largess and foundation money). After all the experts themselves have families. I agree. Yes, they must take care of their families and I thank them for making my point in advance. So, give up the largess before you condemn those who are impoverished, financially ruined, and face an extremely frightening future…
Stop quarantining the healthy. I certainly believe in the necessity of helping those who must be quarantined and isolated due to their compromised immune systems. I have helped my fair share directly of such needs and experienced the losses as well, particularly the elderly, including those in my extended family in years past.
5. The Horrible “next point” …
However, there is a horrible “Next Point.” Dr. Fauci, considered by too many to be an expert in the necessity of universally coerced, government induced vaccinations over the last five decades, doesn’t seem to care much but the kind of company he keeps among “healthcare professionals.” His “dear friend,” the renowned United Nations world health organization director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia, mouthpiece for the most powerful slave state on earth, Red China, should be on trial for crimes against humanity!
It’s hard to understand how an Administrative “Thug” like Tedros could possibly be hailed as humanitarian in any way shape or form. Tedros has no medical degree, but yet got to the top of the UN job with the fervent backing from communist China. That alone makes him, potentially, an enemy of our country.
He became prominent (long before he held the prestigious post at the UN) for his key role in leading the murderous self-proclaimed Marxist organization known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). He directly oversaw this ethno-Marxist terror group that declared war against the freedoms of other ethnic groups within Ethiopia, being involved in genocidal “ethnic cleansing.”
Tedros sat on the TPLF’s Politburo Central Committee and his organization has engaged in terror attacks upon private citizens, religious figures, destruction of private property, harassment of non-governmental organizations, the murder of journalists, the rape of helpless women, child slave trading, enslavement and brutality toward children in general. The work of the TPLF spans three decades of rape, pillaging, enslavement, brutality, torture and murder.
Dr. Fauci is not being herein condemned through “guilt by association.” It is hard to believe though, that in his open praise of Tedros, he has either failed to do his research about the man he publicly embraced multiple times over many years … or… in the alternative, he simply doesn’t care about genocidal ethnic cleansing in Ethiopia.
If it is this latter case, Dr. Fauci shows himself to be a bumbling hypocrite when he speaks on the public stage of his “humanitarian concerns.” If it’s the former case, then he has not done his research about his “pal,” while heading up the medico-humanitarian crusade of the century in this country, making HIM unfit to lead or espouse medical treatments for all of us. Such knowledge on his part requires not only insight into the practice of medicine but requires expert appraisal of who is to be TRUSTED with the lives of millions of people in the implementation of THEIR medical strategies.
As for the lack of trust in the ethnic cleansing thugs like Tedros, I’ve experienced all too many such people in Africa directly. Sorry, I’m not enamored with the media’s claims of their alleged sterling reputations. Yes, there are many good humanitarians “out there” but in my experience, too often the good ones are shackled by their Superiors who seek three things: 1) the praise of media, 2) personal career advancement and, especially, 3) Foundation/government money, …rather than real concern and love for those placed under their control. In any case, I am opposed to coercion in both the lock down – including the future lockdowns from future alleged pandemics of the Covid-19 – or any enforced vaccination.
Liberty is NOT just a word. It is a responsibility, requiring vigilance, and act of love towards…and for… my neighbor…my country and its freedoms…and my Lord.
Dr. Wayne Sedlak
Image Credits
Hands on Flag
War Torn Boy
Vaccine Child
Vaccine Money
Hammer Nails