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By Dr. Wayne C. Sedlak, (Pastor)


This position paper is another in a mini-series of reports which call society and church to upright and responsible resistance to the spiritual and social subversion which is consuming Western society and our culture. One result is that the historic Christian consensus which laid the basis for western civilization hangs imperiled at the very edge of the precipice of global, socialistic tyranny. What the Church does to combat the rise of such barbarism will determine the freedoms our posterity will inherit for generations. Thus, the Church MUST learn to define evil as God’s Holy Law exposes it to us.

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The Hedge about Us

On January 30, 1649 Oliver Cromwell, as the leader in a Parliament of men sitting in condemnation of its treasonous King, put that King to death. Such men were unaccustomed to leading under such difficulties (many were good men, but they were not “seasoned” sufficiently to LEAD others to overcome evil). However, necessity in facing off against tyranny and learning to humble such evil without destroying everything in its wake, spares no generation from its “discernments.” They were about to execute the King of England LEGALLY as a sentence of a Court of Law and deal so with him as a criminal-traitor.

All throughout history men have “led” by taking the law into their own hands, and assassinating rulers. Rulers of Greece and Rome, for example, illustrate that fact. Invariably they become “flushed” with their own power and replace the assassinated ruler with their own rule.

Cromwell was wiser. An assassinated king is, too often, a martyred king. But more people will be bold to hold men accountable in office IF the Rule of Law is invoked and rulers are MADE ACCOUNTABLE to their constituents and their oaths of office.  Cromwell brought prestige and strength to the framing of constitutional law and its justice.

Charles I Stuart was the aforementioned king. Most historians do not know he was a spiritist – an occultist. ALL occult practices give men a thirst for power… and rebellion. Constitutional law and the rules of evidence, shackle men, limiting their ACCESS to greater and greater portions of power. When government moves outside constitutional boundaries (rule of constitutional, representative government), the seeds of tyranny are being sown and its “weeds” will grow quickly being “watered” by men’s lusts.

However, occultist or not, Charles I exercised a hatred of God’s laws and goodness. Thus, the true tyrant is, by definition, an occultist as per Ephesians 6: 11-12. Those who “toy” with government, through Romans 13:1, justifying any ole “Hitler” type who sits in power to be obeyed, are justifying the rule (through such tyranny) of Satan (cf. Eph. 6: 10ff). So Cromwell reasoned in his Letters and Memoirs. But, Cromwell knew sin and Satan are NEVER defeated by Pragmatic means.[1]

Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate

The history of England, as affected by the Word of God, was a history of the rise of the Interposition of the Lesser Magistrate against tyranny. Cromwell repeatedly stated the rise of the Lesser Magistrates at the local level of English rule (boroughs, counties, towns, etc.) resulting in the rise of Representatives in the House of Commons, was a history teaching the unity of churches faithful to the Word of God and the call of the people to rise in defense of that Call in support of their Lesser Magistrates. He stressed that as the RETURN of England to the meaning of Magna Carta (the Charter of Liberty that set nobles – lesser magistrates – against the tyranny of King John and the clergy of Rome.) Like today, too many of the churches were dominated by clergy who supported the tyranny of John… and in Cromwell’s day, the Stuarts.

God calls us, not to anarchy in opposition to tyranny, but an understanding of people STANDING WITH LOCAL MAGISTRATES. Even conservatives today want to LET magistrates “stand alone” to do the work of resisting evil. Cromwell was a local squire, probably the lowest local magistrate in England. He had been taught, however, by civil magistrates (House of Commons) such as John Pym, John Hampton, John Eliot, and Lord Coke. Coke had been the Great Justice of the English version of our Supreme Court and had resisted the Stuart King James I.[2]

Those men pioneered the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates as they weighed the lessons of a faithful history. Cromwell as a squire had become famous in using his lowly office to defend the commoners against the King’s agents who seized land and other wealth from people without any real justice of law. His office was expected to cater to the King’s higher authorities. But Cromwell fought their usurping, unjust power (cf. Isaiah 1:10,19-26). Thus, he repeatedly defended them, at his own expense, in courts and the force of his courage and faith, coupled with real a knowledge of historic usage of English laws and the rules of evidence (such as they were) did prevail in many cases temporarily. But, the king’s agents used Executive (King) decrees to overstep the laws of England and also pressured Parliament through the dominance of the House of Lords and the King’s Commissioners and rulers (Earl of Strafford, and Archbishop Laud) to overthrow local victories.

By his courage, Cromwell became famous and beloved by the people who later supported him to a position in the House of Commons. They knew him to be BOTH courageous and seasoned in his knowledge of tyranny! BUT NOTE: his courage and leadership redounded to a “remembered” heroism by the people who would put him in Parliament…and follow him much later in battle! Indeed, Cromwell’s old nickname during the era of his public stand as a lesser magistrate was “Old Ironsides.” That name was created by a populace who admired him increasingly and later became the name of his future (trained) troopers in a cavalry called Ironsides. Prince Rupert, Cromwell’s enemy, cited the name known so well he only had to mention it for others to regularly use it.[3]

Munday we had intelligence that Lieutenant-Gen. Cromwell alias Ironside (for that title was given him by P. Rupert after his defeate neere York) [i.e., Marston Moor] was about Redding (sic) with 2500 horse marching towards Sir William Waller.

The Church: Calling the Lesser Magistrate

Many might groan at the thought the Church of Christ is needed to call men to stand against tyranny. After all, the Church has NOT been faithful in the face of the rise of “all hell” in our culture. 70 million aborted babies proves that fact alone.

Man is the measure of all thingsCromwell knew men. He knew instinctively the perversity of the concept expressed by the Greek philosopher (Protagoras): “Man is the measure of all things.” Cromwell also knew fallen man looked to the State as the standard of behavior. Cromwell noted the tyranny of statism is that it seeks willing slaves whose opinions are of no consequence to it except as useful “dupes”: [4]

The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions. If they be willing faithfully to serve it, that satisfies.

The only antidote to such power (Psa. 94:20; Eph. 6) is the Church (pillar and support of the Truth – I Tim. 3), and he patronized churches and worked with others who were faithful, promoting all who stood because of the times.  He wanted God-fearing men who were trained in the pews ever before they were called to the battlefield.

Men who make no confusion over the ordained place of man and woman, king and subject. And with these stern, God-fearing men, I shall ride. And we shall be called Ironsides because we are like iron, being hard both day and night. And the king shall find us unyielding, like a rod of iron, and shall give us satisfaction.[5]

The men with whom he rode were actually trained by him. He wanted “tested” (seasoned) men who understood…

  1. “What is all our histories, but God showing himself, shaking and trampling on everything that he has not planted.”
  2. Faith in the Lord, coupled with practical wisdom (cf. Prov.8) defines men of stature: “Keep your faith in God, but keep your powder dry.”
  3. Cromwell trained men of character, not man-pleasers: “Do not trust to the cheering, for those very persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged.” In contrast: “A few honest men are better than numbers.”
  4. Cromwell looked for integrity in men, without which he could not trust them. He understood integrity is a grace forged under trial. He knew he needed decision-makers but also men who could be reasoned with as opposed to those whose only standard of “right” was their own opinions. The latter will never follow in battle under command. “Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will. Consider that ye may be wrong.” Good men will.

The character of men who evolved into the shock troops shattering the best trained cavalry of the king under Prince Rupert, was key against the well-organized, well-trained, veteran experience of a reprobated army of men intent upon subverting England’s liberty. Against such hardened mercenaries he wanted men “…with fire in their bosom!” Cromwell became “…notorious for appointing men of comparatively humble origins but stoutly-held Puritan beliefs as officers, who would then attract men of similar background and learning to the regiment.” He wrote,

I had rather have a plain russet-coated captain that knows what he fights for and loves what he knows, than that which you call a gentleman and is nothing else.[6]

The Echo Effect

The Apostle Paul uses a powerful description of the impact of the Word of the Lord over a vast area:

For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak anything. – I Thes. 1:8


Think of “sounding out” as of a person calling from a mountain top where the physics/acoustics of the mountains and valleys CREATE ECHOS FAR BEYOND OUR REACH AND ABILITY.

This author uses the term “Echo effect” to describe what God does in taking His Word FAR BEYOND OUR ABILITIES TO REACH PEOPLE. In other words, God honors faithfulness and stands with those who expose tyranny.

I have not the particular shining bauble or feather in my cap for crowds to gaze at or kneel to, but I have power and resolution for foes to tremble at.

Compare Joshua 1:8: Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law…. – Joshua 1:8

The Model Regiment

Many who marvel at Cromwell’s new Model Army and its shock cavalry units, fail to see that new organization achieves as it serves the strategic mind. The premier military historian, B.H. Liddell Hart is studied by the USA, Russia, China, Germany, Israel and militaries of any importance (inclusive of ALL Intelligence services). He considers Cromwell a powerful practitioner of the “Indirect Attack.” This has NOTHING to do with whether one lacks forthrightness or courage. He defines the Indirect approach:

Pursue the line of least expectation. Exploit the line of least resistance.

Take advantage of distraction, surprise and areas the enemy “least expects.” For example, Liddell-Hart predicted (WWII) the Germans would attack France with tanks through mountain-forests. No one believed him. They got slammed decisively. Hart also predicted the attack leading to the Allied collapse at the Battle of the Bulge. Patton had believed Hart and stopped the German attack. Christ repeatedly used the Indirect Approach, keeping His enemies off guard when they attempted to assault His Truth. Cromwell did the same in battle and diplomacy.

Cromwell saw the Parliament’s poor, conventional approach to the King’s professionals at the Battle of Edgehill. Cromwell did witness the defeat of the Parliamentarian cavalry Edgehill and wrote to fellow Parliamentarian leader John Hampden,

Your troopers are most of them old decayed servingmen and tapsters; and their troopers are …persons of quality [Ed. trained men]; do you think that the spirits of such base [Ed. unable] and mean [average] fellows [as ours] will ever be able to encounter gentlemen that have …courage and resolution in them?

Cromwell’s innovative schemes relied upon the Indirect approach, utilizing speed, surprise and diligent planning. He always worked on the “Mind of his opponent’s leadership” and his innovations were always calculated to fit that need. Organization was cropped for surprise, speed and impact:

Cromwell introduced close-order cavalry formations, with troopers riding knee to knee; this was an innovation in England and was a major factor in his success. He kept his troops close together following skirmishes where they had gained superiority, rather than allowing them to chase opponents off the battlefield. This facilitated further engagements which allowed greater intensity and quick reaction to battle developments. This style of command was decisive at both Marston Moor and Naseby.

Bloodshed spilled to resist a treasonous tyrant’s evil made it imperative to deal unconditionally with this monster (cf. Psalm 11:5; 18: 1-7). Cromwell depended on Psalm 5: 9 -10…that a multitude of sins will entrap its own perpetrators.

He knew Englishmen trusted their own natural defenses and did not fear the Lord their Defense: “You have accounted yourselves happy on being environed with a great ditch from all the world beside.” Such, he knew would fail them, especially against an “internal enemy” who was one of them!

Cromwell knew God demanded this King be JUDICIALLY TRIED … a test for judicial resolve in the people. The special court to judge the King produced a voluminous amount of evidence of the King’s criminal acts (cf. Deut. 19: 15; Heb. 10:28) against his own people (hiring mercenaries against his people; conspiring with foreign nations against England, stirring up violence in the land to gain power through crisis, fraud in government procedures, suppression of dissent, usurping of constitutional authority, violating oath of office). On January 30, 1649, all Europe was shocked to find England had held a King liable for failure to the Law of the Realm and service to his people.

“Christ, not Man, is King.” – Oliver Cromwell

[1] “Pragmatism” is defined as the “ends(goals) justify the means.”

[2] Yes the same whose name is on the KJV.

[3]A contemporary Parliamentarian newspaper asserted  it was the Royalist Prince Rupert who had given Cromwell the nickname after Rupert’s defeat at Marston Moor in July 1644: – “Mercurius Civicus, 16-26 September, 1644”, Notes and queries, 11th series, XL, January–June 1915, p. 181

[4] Dupes is a term used by the International Communist rulers/Parties and KGB to refer to people whose opinions can be bypassed to gain their support in the destruction of their own people.

[5] Cromwell’s Letters

[6] cf. Roberts, Keith. Cromwell’s War Machine: The New Model Army, 1645-1660 (Pen & Sword, 2005).

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