Dr. Wayne C. Sedlak
(Click to See Profile of this Author)
- The Problem Needing Interposition of the Lesser Magistrate
On the night of March 11, 2020, the world changed. The NBA suspended its season. Now don’t get me wrong. I like basketball but I don’t watch it much. But when a multi-billion-dollar industry shuts down overnight, followed by ALL other multi-billion-dollar industries, then I think you agree the world is changed… drastically.
And not for the better.
Within days, orders from the Federal Government began to restrict the number of people that could gather. They closed schools. They closed millions of businesses. Unemployment skyrocketed past Great Depression numbers. The bond market is approaching collapse, making credit in the future months a potential impossibility.
You’ve heard much about all of this already. What do we do about it?
If there was a bubonic plague like potential, then perhaps the remedy – lock-downs – may have made some sense. BUT WE WERE LIED TO. THE PEOPLE WERE PANICKED INTO FALSE COMPLIANCE. Draconian methods of police attacks were made across the world. As this letter goes to the streets, a woman is being thrown to the ground by no less than five New York city cops and handcuffed.
Her crime? She did not have her face fully covered. I thought that was only for Islamic nations. Not so. But remember all this is based upon the following STATISTICAL MODELS of Neil Ferguson and the Imperial College of England, Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, and here in Wisconsin Dr. Andrea Palm with the ever-increasingly strident Gov. Tony Evers.
The Lies Statistical Models Tell… Only off by a little over 99.99% (Here’s a cheat sheet for you to use with friends, family and neighbors.)[1]
- The Imperial College of London (Funded by none other than Bill Gates) projected a half million people in Great Britain would die if there was no mandated lock-down. It projected figures for the United States: 2.2 million deaths in the United States if we didn’t lock-down.
- Even if the most ambitious of measures were put in place the Imperial College of London predicted 1.1 million people in the United States and 260,000 people Great Britain would die.
- Deborah Birx (White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator) and Dr. Fauci gave the “prestige” of their politicized medical expertise (from which they expect to reap millions of dollars in enforced vaccinations) to set the guidelines of the USA lock down task force.
- Enforced closings of churches, restaurants, small businesses, malls, stadiums, sports… gatherings of all sorts, were enforced, often brutally around the world.
- Birx said Italy will see over 400,000 deaths. Her model predicted that if Sweden did not follow the lead of the US and the UK they would see 40,000 Coronavirus deaths by May 1st. The actual count? 2,800.
- Behind Neil Ferguson’s panic striking models (and the flaws shown herein) is his awful reputation: it was Ferguson’s blighted model that led to the tragically unnecessary killing of 11 million sheep and cattle in the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. Sheep are left starving in the fields. Massive herds and flocks were slaughtered by the thousands.
- In 2002, Ferguson predicted that 150,000 people would die from exposure to BSE (the mad cow disease) in beef. There were 177 deaths from BSE. He was only off by a little over 99.99%.
- 2005 Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people would be killed from the bird flu worldwide. There were 282 people who died worldwide between 2003 and 2009. He was only off by a little over 99.99%.
- In 2009, government estimates based again upon Ferguson’s models and expert medical insights said, a “reasonable worst-case scenario” would be a pandemic of the swine flu responsible for killing 65,000 British people. The Swine flu killed 457 people in the UK. He was only off by a little over 99.99%.
- IHME[2] told us cumulative Covid-19 deaths would reach 178,000. Estimates were revised down to 136,000 by April 5. On April 8, projected deaths were slashed again – 60,145…
- IHME Model (funded by none other than… you guessed it, Bill Gates)estimates were slashed again… and again…and again.
- Vox.com published a lengthy critique of the Model on May 2, entitled “This Coronavirus model keeps being wrong. Why are we still listening to it?”
- The model estimated in March 161,000 deaths total in the USA. As we showed above it was slashed again and again. Analysis of the IHME “next-day death predictions for each day” were found to be “outside its 95% confidence interval 70% of the time.” In other words, it was wrong … repeatedly. And not just wrong, ABSURDLY WRONG!
- Harvard epidemiologists Marc Lipsitch told reporters “It’s not a model that most of us in the infectious disease epidemiology field think is well-suited.”
- Neil Ferguson himself was caught breaking the quarantine and forced to resign his government post. He who was responsible for so much of the panic inducing hype, quite apparently didn’t believe his own Models.
- Of course, no one else should either. After all his colleagues don’t call him “Dr. Lockdown” for nothing.
- In other words, the “one-sided politicized medical expertise” and its media cohorts which conveniently disallowed dissenting medical experts to be heard, were not medically correct… not even close. But the damage to people’s lives is astronomical. Who will pay the damage? Will they? Of course not. They will argue they were simply being medical humanitarians and ought not to be held accountable.
This is the reason we needed INTERPOSITION of the LESSER MAGISTRATES!
- The Current War over Interposition being Waged throughout Wisconsin and the Whole United States
On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin declared Gov. Tony Evers exceeded his authority as Governor of the State of Wisconsin. For the very first time in Wisconsin history, a statewide order of a governor was struck down by the High Court.
The Governor’s order shut down daily life throughout all Wisconsin, voiding claims of constitutional liberties and procedures in the process. Gov. Evers took it upon himself to unilaterally create “Law” complete with criminal penalties. Normal life activities were shut down unconstitutionally by both the Governor and his medical officer Andrea Palm, both of whom were found to have exceeded their respective authorities.
In his conflicted, confused Order shutting down small businesses and churches as “nonessential” while leaving large corporate businesses open, the Governor created unmitigated financial destruction of the lives of many Wisconsinites
The one-size-fits-all arbitrary approach, damaged countless businesses by the lock down of everyone, as opposed to historic models which emphasized quarantining the sick and those compromised medically. Further complicating the issue was the fact that Covid-19 did not live up to the early warnings of public health officials. Indeed, Andrea Palm exceeded her authority… taking away our liberties in one fell swoop.
This is not going to be the end of the matter however. The Governor and the State Legislature are pledged to work together for a solution… another plan.
If you just read that to understand “Wisconsin to be ruled by Committee” you’re pretty close to the truth. Put bluntly, Wisconsinites don’t need a Plan. We are now, of necessity, in “recovery” mode. Shock has yet to set in concerning how much damage, known to be extensive, has been done.
However, across the state, there are cities and whole counties still in lock-down mode. Democratic Mayor Tom Barrett has pledged to keep Milwaukee in a state of lock-down. In essence he is telling the Wisconsin upstate Supreme Court he could care less about the judicially enforced “checks and balances” of constitutional authority.
What he is doing, and what is being done in counties across Wisconsin, is utilizing the historic doctrine of Interposition of the Lesser Magistrate. The problem is, the infamously renowned Mayor, noted for his outspoken “socialistic” views and support for radical political, social and financial legislation, is using the doctrine of Interposition to SUPPORT unconstitutional procedure and practices.
However, there have been many sheriffs, police departments, mayors throughout Wisconsin who have refused to enforce the illegal, unconstitutional orders of Gov. Tony Evers and Andrea Palm.
All throughout the country, there are MANY municipalities, counties, cities, and states where this conflict is already beginning to emerge. People’s lives are being shattered by a virus that – though dangerous to some – is FAR MORE DANGEROUS by the indirect damage inflicted in its name! Lesser magistrates are arrayed pro and con, in this cultural strife brought on again by an epidemic that never developed, by “experts” who were trusted… and were wrong as to its real danger, without a debate allowed by MANY dissenting medical experts – increasing in number day by day – who denied this was what it was fostered to be.
- What is “Interposition of the Lesser Magistrate?”
Interposition is that calling of God which causes one to step into the gap willingly, placing oneself between the oppressor and his intended victim. During the era of our country’s War of Independence, the pulpits throughout the 13 colonies taught the people of the era the great doctrine of “Interposition.” It is a subset of the Doctrine of Redemption found all throughout the Bible. And it was the peculiar domain of pulpits called affectionately the “Black Regiment” cited all over America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, and successfully used to expose the Clinton Administration’s agenda. The Black Regiment (aka Black Robed Regiment) were the pastors who mounted the pulpit in their Black robes as they stood
In American history, the Declaration of Independence was the revolt (Interposition) of the lesser magistrates against the increasing tyranny of King George and Parliament. The various colonies sent lesser magistrates to Philadelphia to represent them in the face of British oppression. Those assemblies were known as the First and Second Continental Congresses. The Declaration of Independence was the testimony which publicly cited the offenses of the upper tier of the British government and the Call to the colonies to resist the encroachments against the colonies.
Such action was especially necessary in light of the fact the Parliament had no legitimate authority in the colonies to begin with… a legal fact NOT taught in today’s schools or churches. Parliament had authority in England itself, but the colonial charters – the colonial constitutions – were unique. They were ONLY bound to the King by law … AND… he was bound by their charters not to exceed his lawful authority. However, Parliament’s encroachments increased over the period of several decades, especially citing “necessity” in the French and Indian War.
Parliament gradually assumed one power usurping authority over colonial constitutional authority and financial control alike. This was most often accomplished with the connivance of both the King and his own hand-picked Royal Governors. Because of the need of supporting magistrates who are of lesser authority to the King and Parliament, the people rallied around lesser magistrates who refused to implement the edicts and decrees of those tyrants.
- Bound by Oath: A Lesson from Vietnam
In our system of constitutional governance, the churches historically have taught the sanctity and sacredness of taking the oath of office as a civil magistrate. They derived this understanding historically from Deuteronomy Chapter 1 of the Bible where God instructed Moses to institute the elections of civil magistrates from men of renown among Israel’s tribes. The people were to elect qualified men, men whose skill and quality of character was unquestioned. However, it then says “… and then I (Moses) will make them rulers over you.”
What Moses was doing was INSTALLING them as officers BY OATH. Oaths in Scripture are not designed to increase the propensity toward truth telling. In other words, they don’t increase the truthfulness of any given statement by taking an oath. The oath of office increases the sanctions against the officeholder who breaks that oath. The sanctions are very heavy for civil magistrates who violate their own oaths of office.
The key to understanding “Interposition of the ‘Lesser Magistrates’” is, in our system EVERY officeholder – including police, sheriffs, soldiers, court commissioners, judges, aldermen, and of course “higher officers” of county, state, and federal offices – are all responsible to uphold the Constitution of the United States and any constitutional framework of state, county, city, municipality, or district over which they preside.
Because of their oath, they may never violate the constitutional framework invoked by their oaths. What that means is this: if a so-called “higher officer” of any type violates his oath of office, those “under” him must nonetheless resist that violation in order to uphold their oath of office.
Lieut. Calley, an officer of the United States Army, claimed that his superior officer(s) ordered him to fire upon and murder 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War. He was properly court-martialed. Claiming, as a lesser magistrate, that a superior has ordered you to violate your oath of office didn’t work then for Lieut. Calley and it should not be allowed to work for lesser magistrates now.
Coercive acts of violence and unconstitutional destruction of income, life and business, instituted to enforce an edict like that of Gov. Tony Evers and Andrea Palm, or by officers of the law in New York City, are criminal acts. They must be understood as criminal. When they violate the highest frame of governance – Constitution of the United States with its Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin – it does not matter if the law, edict, policy decision was procedurally enacted and even “lawfully passed,” it is criminal and unenforceable. If it were otherwise, there would be no reason for any Constitution.
Officeholders have invariably sought to exercise authority beyond their office. Allowing them to do so against federal and state Constitutions, is to acknowledge those constitutions virtually do not exist. So, will the Governors and others face sanctions… or will they be temporarily (and only) embarrassed. Which is only a “cost of doing business” politically, anyway.
[1] Statistical data from Imperial College of London, IHME, and National Review, Vox.com, and the expose by Dan O’Donnell-The Lie That Launched a Thousand Lockdowns IHeartRadio WISN Milwaukee May 15, 2020
[2] The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME): an independent global health research center at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
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For an Audio of The Black Regiment Pulpits Aflame With Righteousness CLICK HERE